Why LaBeag?

LaBeag produces ebooks of the highest quality.  They are noted for their superior content, optimal reading experience, and innovative use of the medium.  As well, LaBeag aims to provide its customers excellent service so that authors can focus on writing while we look after production and publication issues.

Superior Content

Stimulating, well-written content, respected for the quality of its writing and presentation will generate referrals and additional sales. That’s why LaBeag insists on publishing the superior literary works that matter to readers.

Optimal Reading Experience

The ‘mental speed bumps’ resulting from poorly edited text, incorrect formatting, and poor spelling distract readers from a literary work’s content and divert attention to its shoddy presentation. LaBeag’s experienced editors and ebook producers bring a hands-on approach to masterfully removing ‘mental speed bumps’ both from within an ebook’s content as well as from its presentation. Readers of our ebooks enjoy a superior reading experience one to which they will refer their friends, family, and peers.

Innovative Use of the Medium

Ebooks are not cast in stone. An ebook will be displayed differently on each device on which it ‘lives’. That is because an ebook file does not provide a hard-and-fast description as would a PDF file, for example – of how an ebook is to be laid out. Rather, it provides semantic hints describing the nature of the elements within an ebook file. The software on each device interprets these hints in a manner appropriate to that device.

However, the software can do so much more. It provides a wonderful and flexible medium which can be used to enhance the reading experience.

As just one example, if your text contains correspondence between the characters, ebooks can make that section of the text look like a letter, making it easier for a reader to understand, absorb, and appreciate your text.

LaBeag takes pride in enhancing the presentation of literary works using the medium of ebooks to enhance readers’ experience, maximizing their perception of its value.

Excellent Service

Beyond simply producing and formatting ebooks, LaBeag can distribute your ebook to such online retailers as Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, the Apple iBookstore, and others.  We then distribute the monies resulting from their sales to the authors. You avoid dealing with administrivia, freeing your time to develop your next ebook masterwork.